02 Oct

Fighting Fake News

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance” (George Bernard Shaw)

“Fake News” is big business in 2017. Social Media in particular is increasingly awash with it because it is so easily propagated via unsuspecting readers duped into endorsing and sharing it. The problem is that our brains are literally programmed to get an emotional kick out of information regardless of its accuracy – Time Magazine’s “Why People Can’t Agree on Basic Facts” here explains why.

That’s dangerous – we can’t afford to rely on false facts when making important decisions on things like how to plan a direction for our businesses, how to invest, how to vote, how to deal with a social or medical problem etc.

So learn how to spot the lies and how to sift the fact from the fiction – a good start is to read “How to Spot Fake News Sites” on WikiHow.

And don’t become part of the problem by mindlessly forwarding/sharing anything with even the slightest whiff of fakery or sensationalism – check it out first on Snopes.